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Re: (eh?) Perl library shifted...?

On Fri, Mar 31, 2000 at 01:42:42PM -0500, Jeff Gordon wrote:
> > If you're talking about Net::FTP being unable to locate method
> > Net::FTP->requires_firewall(), it was a bug in libnet-perl which
> > has been fixed with version 1.0703-2, now in the archives.
> (Good thought, but no: Net::POP3 is what went wandering off; 
> needed for a little program I have that POP's my ISP's server 
> before exim relays outgoing mail to it.)
>  -- Jeff --   <http://www.wellnow.com>

Net::POP3 is also part of libnet-perl.  I would make sure you have
the -2 version, if it's still a problem, post the exact error msg.

I ran

	perl -MNet::POP3 -e 'Net::POP3->new()'

without any problems.


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