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Re: Why not dselect?

>>>>> "Noah" == Noah L Meyerhans <frodo@morgul.net> writes:

    Noah> I checked out aptitude (or was it capt?) and didn't see anything nice
    Noah> about it that dselect hasn't been doing for years.  Other than
    Noah> alternative interfaces, do any of the other dpkg/apt front ends offer
    Noah> real feature improvements?

aptitude and capt are both a lot faster than dselect.  It's especially
noticeable on low-memory machines. (I have 32Mb which, IMO, counts as
low-memory when I'm in X, running Gnome, Emacs, and Mozilla.)

aptitude allows you to collapse the list of packages.

capt allows you to customize sort order, grouping, and filtering.

And they all handle dependencies differently.


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