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Re: Newbie question

Sreeni R Nair <snair@utstar.com> writes:
SRN> I am a newbie to debian, and not familiar with dselect, dpkg and
SRN> apt. Is there any available document or URL that compares rpm
SRN> with the above tools (like the equivalent commands etc.)? Any
SRN> help is much appreciated.

dpkg is sort of like rpm.  In particular, dpkg --install (or dpkg -i)
is sort of like a sane combination of rpm's -i and -U switches, and
dpkg --remove or dpkg --purge is like rpm -e.

AFAIK, Red Hat doesn't have anything like dselect or APT.  dselect
displays a list of packages, and lets you pick and choose which to
install.  APT's most commonly used features are 'apt-get upgrade',
which downloads all updated packages and installs them, and 'apt-get
install', which downloads and installs a named package and all of its

David Maze             dmaze@mit.edu          http://www.mit.edu/~dmaze/
"Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal."
	-- Abra Mitchell

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