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Re: mysql-server root password

You can also change the password by loggin in as root, and use mysql,
change the password entry in the table user (with SQL statements, don't
forget to use password=password('$password') instead of

Ron Rademaker

On Wed, 19 Jul 2000, Northwest Advantage wrote:

> Please cc is@nwadv.com as I am not currently subscribed to the list.
> When I installed mysql-server debconf said to set the mysql root
> password.  Then it referenced /usr/share/doc/mysql-server/README.Debian
> for the instructions to do so.  The instructions tell you to change it
> with /usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root password 'new-password'
> This is what happens when I run this command.
> frodo:~# /usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root password blah
> /usr/bin/mysqladmin: connect to server at 'localhost' failed
> error: 'Access denied for user: 'root@localhost' (Using password: YES)'
> Does it have something to do with the hosts file or is it an error in the
> instructions or possibly something else?
> frodo:~# cat /etc/hosts
>       localhost
>   frodo.nwadv.com         frodo
>     frodo.nwadv.com         frodo
> -Kirt
> P.S.  The box was a potato test cycle 2 install that has been kept
> current.
> -- 
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