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Re: network/ethernet card configuration problem?


Thanks to all who answered my call for help! This message here is in
response to the one from John Pearson.

> Date:          Tue, 18 Jul 2000 13:15:56 +0930
> From:          John Pearson <huiac@camtech.net.au>
> Subject:       Re: network/ethernet card configuration problem?
> To:            debian-user@lists.debian.org

> The "correct" way to proceed depends on which version of Debian you are
> using (slink (2.1), potato (2.2), etc.); which is it?

It is slink (2.1)

> You can check if things are going to work out for you by trying the
> following commands as root:
> # lsmod
> This lists the driver modules currently loaded.  
> If the "ne" or "ne2k-pci"driver is loaded then you 
> should see it listed in the output to this command,
> like so:
> ne2k-pci                4136   1

It was not loaded!

> Assuming it isn't loaded, try loading it by hand.
> If your NIC is a PCI card you should use the ne2k-pci
> driver, like so:
> # modprobe ne2k-pci
> PCI cards shouldn't need any extra parameters.
> If it's an ISA card you will need to use the ne module,
> and will need to pass at least the IO port as a parameter,
> with a command like this:
> # modprobe ne io=0x300 irq=10
> You can skip the IRQ parameter, but if you know what it is
> then it makes things a little more bullet-proof.  If you don't
> know what IO address the card is using, the Windows Device Manager
> (under System in Control Panels) will probably tell you.
> If the card is a bona-fide ISA/PNP card (as opposed to a
> traditional ISA card) then this will fail after a cold boot, and
> you will need to set the card up using isapnp before you can
> use it under Linux.

The full name of the card is D-Link DE220 ISA PnP -- is this
a bona-fide ISA/PNP adaptor?

I tried using the command

# modprobe ne io=0x300 irq=03    (these are the proper settings)

and it didn't complain. However, I infer from your remarks that
I will have to use 'isapnp'. I guess that this means I will have to
edit (properly!) the /etc/isapnp.conf file. I looked at the website


and it looks like I will need a line in the file like:

(CONFIGURE EDI0119/236861364 ( ...  etc.

The code 'EDI0119' identifies the ethernet card -- but how can
I find what code to use for my card?

Please let me know if there is anything else I have to know about

> The way modules are handled changed a couple of times in older
> (pre-2.1) Debian releases; you should check if the following files
> exist:
>  /etc/modules.conf
This one wasn't there!
>  /etc/conf.modules
>  /etc/modutils/  (a directory)
>  /etc/modules
> Get back to us when you've tried this and let us know what Debian
> release you're using, and you should get some better-targeted
> help.

Looking forward to it!

James Polson

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