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In message <[🔎] 200006221934.TAA00448@> , 
Joseph de los Santos <jhou@info.com.ph>  was rumoured to have said about 
`` '': 

> Hi,
>   I am recently getting unallocated color map errors when launching
> eterm,xscreensaver,realplayer.ESP. realplayer..my whole desktop suddenly looks 
> distorted and ugly.like all the colors are mashed together or something..don't 
> know if the realplayer problems is related with the "unable to allocate color 
> map errors I'm having with xscreensaver and eterm though.

Hi Joseph,

This sounds like the common problem with color-hungry applications
and 8-bit displays. You need to increase the color depth to 16-bit
or more, look in the X server config file. Note that, depending on
how much memory your graphics adapter has, you may also need to
change the screen resolution.

> Any Help would be appreciated.




Stelios Bounanos <sb@dial.pipex.com>
  ..............7500000 years later:
  The Ultimate Answer is 42.
  (next mail will give the Question)

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