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Re: Backup

On Wed, Jun 21, 2000 at 12:58:04PM -0600, Gary Hennigan wrote:
> kmself@ix.netcom.com, answering someone else's question, writes:
> [snip]


> Tar does have some problems. If your tape becomes corrupted somewhere
> along the line you've pretty much lost that whole backup. Tar has
> little to no capability to recover from tape errors, and if you use
> some type of software compression with tar, like gzip or bzip2, you
> might as well throw that tape out if it gets an error.

Recoverability is a reputed problem with tar, though I've never
encountered it myself (with moderate levels of dependency on it).  Note
that compressing data to tape through software (gzip, bzip2, etc.), is
dangerous (for above reasons), largely redundant on drives supporting HW
compression, and greatly increases your CPU load (again, redundantly).


> Also, if you have a lot of data I'd recommend something that allows
> you to do incremental backups. All my data barely fits on two 2GB DAT
> tapes with software compression, but with incrementals that's not an
> issue. I can fit 3 or 4 months of incrementals on a single tape no
> problem.

This also addresses a followup question of the poster's above.


> I think you meant "afio" rather than "apio"?

You mean you haven't heard of "apeshit I/O -- for those *really* big
backups?" <g>.

Yes, you're right.

Karsten M. Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com>         http://www.netcom.com/~kmself
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