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Re: HDA is crashing..How can I duplicate it?

Sven Burgener wrote:

> >How about booting from a rescue disk with its own filesystem, mounting
> Where to get / how to create such a floppy? (Like a
> mini-debug-admin-system on floppy; that'd be neat)

My first try would be booting from the slink CDs.  If that is too
limited you can check the rescue disks from Debian
(/<cdrom>/debian/dists/slink/main/{root,resc1440}.bin, see the textfiles
in that directory), the the Bootdisk-HOWTO
(http://www.linuxdoc.org/HOWTO/Bootdisk-HOWTO/index.html), or the
various mini Linuxen (µLinux and the like).

> Or you could use "cp -av /old /new 2>>/cp-err 1>>/cp-msgs" after having
> mkfs'd and mounted the new drive. Then check cp-err and cp-msgs after
> it's done. You could probably also use rsync if you have that installed.

It's definatelly better to use cp because it won't create that large
file, but I've forgotten the switches to cp.

MfG Viktro
Viktor Rosenfeld
E-Mail:         mailto:rosenfel@gmx.de
or:             mailto:rosenfel@informatik.hu-berlin.de
HertzSCHLAG:    http://www.informatik.hu-berlin.de/~rosenfel/hs/

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