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Re: Will Debian run on my system?

At 23.52 9/6/00 -0500, Eric Gillespie, Jr. ha escrit:
>On Fri, Jun 09, 2000 at 05:15:58PM -0500,
>Matthew W. Roberts <matt@lehi.tamu.edu> wrote:
>> I'm looking at buying a used computer and want to install Debian
>> on it.  I've taken a serious liking to the following and would
>> appreciate any comments on whether or not there will be any hardware
>> problems with it.  Many thanks!
>It all looks fine to me. The only thing that might give you
>trouble are the Soundblaster and TNT cards, tough i'm not sure.
>Probably someone more informed about newer graphics and sound
>cards will tell you.

	Hello Matthew,

	NVIDIA (TNT people) had in their drivers section something relative to
Linux. Take a look there.
	I read a comment in debian-user-spanish a story that ended happily
regarding PCI 128.

	Hope that helps,

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