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Re: mandb-errors!?

>At one point, there was a bug that caused vim to disappear from the
>of choices for vi, ex, and so on, and it wasn't fixed properly. I've
>mailed the maintainer about it. (What version of vim are you using?)

hp:~# vim --version
VIM - Vi IMproved 5.6 (2000 Jan 16, compiled May  1 2000 16:14:28)
Included patches: 1-62, 64-70

>In the meantime, try 'update-alternatives --config ex',
>'update-alternatives --config vi', and 'update-alternatives --config
>view', all as root, to see if that solves the problem. If it doesn't,

I will have a look at those. Thanks.

>then wait for the next version of vim in unstable to appear and upgrade
>to that.

I dont actually have any problems with vim apart from the fact that
mandb reports those errors the first time it is run.

Thanks for your support.

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