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Re: Netscape -- recent severe instability

kmself@ix.netcom.com wrote:

> Netscape is driving me nuts.
> I'm running 2.2 unstable (woody), with
>     Package: navigator-smotif-461
>     Status: install ok installed
>     Source: netscape4.61
>     Version: 4.61-11
> Recently (within the past week), Netscape has become even more unstable
> than usual, crashing when cycling through windows, raising or lowering
> windows, or other actions.  I have both java and javascript disabled as
> they typically lead to similar behavior.
> Window manager is WindowMaker:
>     Package: wmaker
>     Version: 0.61.1-4
> I am not using a desktop environment (KDE, Gnome).
> --
> Karsten M. Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com>         http://www.netcom.com/~kmself

This may or may not be relevant. I had a pretty stable potato system, but last
week I replaced my video card and modem, and started pulling a few things from
woody (I know better than to change more than one thing at a time in case
problems arise, but I figured to take a chance that everything would go
smoothly). Two or three times now I've seen X (icewm) just up and quit while
Netscape was running, and while downloading some stuff in dselect in the
background (without Netscape running) I've noticed some weird X display
problems (like Gnome Freecell leaving image remnants all over the screen if
I move the window). After the download was finished, I tried to, but could not,
duplicate some of the problems.

I say this to imply that the problem may not be with Netscape, but with X. Of
course, I may just be adding noise to the signal of this thread, so you might
be better served to simply ignore these comments.

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