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Re: rm -R /usr/ - undelete....

hi ya...

"interactive" mode for rm -i  foo is fine...as long
as you don't remove too many files ???

think the trick is if "rm -rf /usr" is a directory.....
rm should query you.....

if you do "rm /usr/blah"...than just go ahead and don't
bother....as if "-f" was specified ???

if you do "rm -rf /any_dir" as root....alias it ???

... a simple aliase "rm -i"  drives me nuts...
and too lazy to type rm -f  too

and better still if you can find a usable/workable
"undelete" program....even better...
	- long ago found something that works only for
	small files/dirs


oh welll...too many possibilities.....just have a good
backup/recovery/undelete system in place...that will get you up
and running within the hour...

c ya

On Sat, 10 Jun 2000, S. Salman Ahmed wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> >>>>> "JIS" == Jacob I Stowell <js8319@csc.albany.edu> writes:
>     JIS>  hello i am a new debian user and i just learned a hard lesson.
>     JIS> I guess it is a bad idea to issue the following command:
>     JIS> 
>     JIS> rm -R /usr/
>     JIS> 
>     JIS> i try to look at the bright side, you know make lemonade and
>     JIS> all that, so at least i get a new system as a result of my
>     JIS> bonehead mistake.  Hopefully i will make different, and yet
>     JIS> equally idiotic mistakes in the future.
>     JIS> 
>     JIS> thanks for listening, i just needed to vent.
>     JIS> 
> One way to reduce the likelihood of sth like that from happening again
> is to alias rm to "rm -i" which puts rm in interactive mode. That way rm
> will prompt you for everything but at least it will remind you whether
> or not you really should go ahead.
> Its not foolproof, however, since you could still type "rm -f" or "rm
> - -fr" which will override the interactive mode ...
> Be esp. careful when logged in as root.
> - -- 
> Salman Ahmed
> ssahmed AT pathcom DOT com
> http://www.pathcom.com/~ssahmed
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