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Re: woody smbmount smbmnt mount

On Thu, Apr 13, 2000 at 02:19:15PM -0700, Lawrence Walton wrote:
> I can't mount samba shares anymore, somthing happened in woody not
> sure when maybe Sunday,
> mount -t smbfs //server/share /mountpoint -o username=elmo
> mount error: Invalid argument
> Please refer to the smbmnt(8) manual page
> smbmnt failed: 255
> mount.smbfs: ioctl failed, res=-1
> Could not umount /mountpoint: Invalid argument

Just this morning i mounted a share with no trouble using the mount
utility. (for some odd reason, random people sharing their entire C:\ as
//server/c keep trying to connect to //server/c on my machine, even
though it didn't exist until i created one with just a README.NOW file
asking them to email and tell me why they're doing it... no one has yet)

Just now did a test against a share on my own machine, and it mounted

Mount version 2.10f-4, samba 2.0.6-5.

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