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Mounting root on a diskless using NFS

Hi All,
	With some struggling I have managed to get a diskless workstation
running and requesting the root from the NFS server.
I am now stuck because whatever I do the NFS server blocks the request from
the booting workstation to mount its root.

I have tried many configuration of /etc/exports in an attempt to get it
working however the results are still the same. 
(Yes, I am reloading the NFS daemons after each change)

When the diskless workstation boots it goes through the required hoops and
finally requests to mount /export/root via NFS from my server 'huntsman'.
The request to mount /export/root to (diskless workstation) can
be seen in the output of mountd in the syslog. However the mountd denies the
request due to lack of permissions. I do not understand why.

I am able to mount the /export/root directory to /mnt by hand on as root on
my huntsman machine and it is still accessable rw using the nobody account.
What user/group id does the kernal use when requesting root? Does it use
root user and group ID?

My /etc/exports entry looks as follows:

/export/root, no_root_squash) huntsman(rw,

This is as per the various sources of documentation for diskless booting
however it still does not work.

Thanks in advance,

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