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Re: FreeWWWeb

On Sat, 8 Apr 2000, Kent West wrote:
> Notice that the username includes the "@freewwweb.com" part; is that
> insane or what?! I never could get fetchmail to work with the resultant
> address of "kent@freewwweb.com@freewwweb.com" or any other combination I
> could think of. 

My ~/.fetchmailrc says:
poll mail.halteknet.com protocol pop3 user okidz@pindad.com password ...
I can do fetchmail without any problem.

The version:
okidz@okidz:~$ fetchmail --version
fetchmail: This is fetchmail release 5.2.3fetchmail: +NTLMfetchmail:
+SDPSfetchmail: +NLS

The username needs @domain because the ISP uses virtual mail server;
by virtual means that user@domain is not the system user on the machine,
it's just a user of the mail server (eg: qmail). Basically, the real
address would be: user-frewwweb.com@domain.com ("domain" is the ISP's


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