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Re: ln -s /usr/doc /home/doc

Quoting Debian Mail (debian@sos.ethz.ch):
> I moved /usr/doc to /home/doc, since I have more space on the
> partition that is mounted on /home. Then I created a softlink to it: 
> ln -s /home/doc /usr/doc

Let's presume you've sorted out the order...

> The problem is now, that some packages (r-base 1.0.0-1 is an example)
> store documentation in different locations, and refer to it with
> softlinks using ../ These softlinks now clearly point to a non
> existing location. Is there a nice solution to solve this problem?

Well, what's interesting is what comes after the ../ and I presume
that's usually ../share/doc as /usr/doc is being migrated to
/usr/share/doc. So, as well as your pseudo-user doc, you need one
called share (an even less likely name for a real person).

The other dozen or so directories in /usr are equally unlikely to
collide with peoples' names.


Email:  d.wright@open.ac.uk   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
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