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Re: Mutt questions (Was: Looking for a good mail program)

Once upon a time, I heard Viktor Rosenfeld say

> I recently switched my working environment from Windows to Debian only
> and I've been using Netscape Mail so far.  And I *hate* it!  

  Me too, it's too slow!
> My question are: 
> - Does Mutt support hierarchical folders?  E.g. I want to have a folder
> called "Mailing Lists" with individual subfolders for each mailing list
> and a folder called "Friends" with individual subfolders for each
> person.
  You could place you mailbox in anyfolder and mutt still could access it.
> - Can Mutt automatically move incoming mail into different folders?
> - Can I share Mutt's mail files with another mail program, so I could
> use a GUI program when under X?  Would that be wise?
  Yes. mutt use std mbox format (I think it could read other type too),
  so does netscape I think.

 #Chanop Silpa-Anan                               #
 #gpg @ http://kenji.anu.edu.au/~chanop/chanop.asc#

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