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Re: installing two NIC's

On Wed, 05 Apr 2000 16:04:54 PDT, Nick Barron writes:
>now they are seperated, but i still can't seem to figure out how to
>i think i might be trying to load module on top of module
>loading eth0 instead of eth1
>how is this done effectively?

you can look at the currently loaded modules with lsmod, if ne2k-pci
isn´t there yet, ´insmod ne2k-pci´ will (try to) load it. You should
then see it via ifconfig, if you don´t, try ´ifconfig -a´. ´ifconfig
eth1 x.x.x.x/xx up´ will set the ip-address and netmask.

if this works, all you have to do is put ne2k-pci in /etc/modules
to get the module loaded at boot time, and edit /etc/init.d/network
accordingly to the appropriate ip-addresses.

&r<just looking for a 4th nic>w
/ Robert Waldner <Waldner@KPNQwest.at> | Phone: +43 1 89933 0 Fax x533 \
\        KPNQwest/AT tech staff        | Diefenbachg. 35   A-1150 Wien / 

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