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Re: no wonder...

Quoting pumpkins@dizzy.ee.itb.ac.id (pumpkins@dizzy.ee.itb.ac.id):
> No wonder people say that Debian is the most difficult 
> Unix-clone distro to install and use...

Thanks for making contact with us here. I presume you've found
your first experiences a little hard. I hope you stick wth us,
when you'll be able to make a better judgement than "people".

> Fisrt of all, since Debian is not widely supported 
> (as I have noticed; compared to otherdistros such as 
> FreeBSD or Red Hat Linux), there are not many mirrors
> for me to download Debian sources for my installation.
> In my case, the only mirror in my country (Indonesia), 
> does not have a complete archive. It is also not up to 
> date...

I thought there were two, one of which (debian-mirror.piksi.itb.ac.id)
appears to be at the same place as your email address. Is itb.ac.id
a university there? Perhaps you could have a word with the admin

> Another thing, is the dselect program: it is quite 
> difficult to use...

Yes, ever more difficult too as the number of packages increases.
But what dselect disguises is an excellent package management tool.
You might find apt a better front-end to use. Try man apt-get.


Email:  d.wright@open.ac.uk   Tel: +44 1908 653 739  Fax: +44 1908 655 151
Snail:  David Wright, Earth Science Dept., Milton Keynes, England, MK7 6AA
Disclaimer:   These addresses are only for reaching me, and do not signify
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