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Re: Configuring Pine for multiple ISPs

> On Fri, 10 Mar 2000, Jason Christensen wrote:
> Then I would be upset with my provider, as much of my mail would never be
> delivered. Most of the net will refuse to propogate mail from a non-secure
> server. (I've had this experience before)

I don't understand what your problem is with using a regular MTA
like exim. It came installed on my debian distribution, was not
difficult to configure (plenty of help on the net) and easily
let's you specify a list of hosts to try for delivering remote mail.

A little more time, and I got fetchmail working to empty my 
POP3 mailboxes.

I'm new to Linux and I've done it, most of the folks on this
list probably have, so what is it about using an MTA
that you find so objectionable??

Joel Roth                                      jroth@mauigateway.com

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