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Re: Fancy features of Storm Linux

--- Ethan Benson <erbenson@alaska.net> wrote:
> Does anybody know how these nifty things are accomplished? Are the
> tools
> available to Debian users as .deb's? Does anyone intend to pack
> such thing,
> e.g. the graphical bootloader with a Debian logo?
> I think this would be a nice option. What do you think?
The storm linux boot loader is modified version of lilo called barboot.
Found at:
>From what I understand storm linux just replaced the standard flame pcx
images with a custom strom linux pcx file.

All you should have to do is get the strom linux deb and replace the
standard pcx file with your own.  Mind you I have not tried to do this
yet, because I am happy with grub for now, but it sould be doable.


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