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Re: How to add a user to a group on the fly

On Mon, Mar 06, 2000 at 05:31:35PM -0600, Kent West wrote:
> If I want to add my normal user (westk) to the
> dialout group, I know I can (as root) edit the
> /etc/group file and add westk to the end of the
> dialout line. However, I then have to log out (and
> shut down vmware and NT-on-vmware) and shut down
> X, etc, then log back in and fire everything back
> up in order to get the change to take affect. Is
> there any way I can get the change to take affect
> without logging out/logging back in?

sg dialout

or newgrp dialout

as long as you are a member of the group (in /etc/group) this will
work, note that it will change your primary group to dialout meaning
all files created after the sg will be owned by westk.dialout.  

if you are not a member of the group as written in /etc/group you will
be promted for a passwd.  newgrp and sg work much like su.  

> Thanks!
> -- 
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Ethan Benson

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