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HOW DO I Apply debian patch to original source?

I posted this to the list once already, but I don't know if it made it.

I am trying to compile a debian package from source. I can go to the package's 
web page and get the original source along with the diff. How do I apply the 

If I do a 

$ tar zxf wu-ftpd_2.6.0.orig.tar.gz
$ zcat wu-ftpd_2.6.0-4.diff.gz | patch -p1 
can't find file to patch at input line 3
Perhaps you used the wrong -p or --strip option?
The text leading up to this was:
|--- wu-ftpd-2.6.0.orig/src/ftpcount.c
|+++ wu-ftpd-2.6.0/src/ftpcount.c
File to patch: 

I am interested in the wu-ftpd package.


Brian Lavender

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