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Re: mounting /tmp from fstab

adjust the permissions of /tmp (the mountpoint itself) before mounting the
filesystem it should get mounted correctly.


On Wed, 23 Feb 2000, Jonathan Lupa wrote:

jjlupa >Hi all, I'm having what is probably a stupid problem mounting /tmp
jjlupa >from fstab.  Basicly it ends up with permisions of 755.
jjlupa >
jjlupa >Is there any way to control permissions of an ext2 partition via
jjlupa >fstab? (mode=, and umask= seem to only work for other fs's).
jjlupa >
jjlupa >FWIW, here is the relevant line...
jjlupa >
jjlupa >/dev/md0     /tmp      ext2    defaults       0 2
jjlupa >
jjlupa >Thanks!
jjlupa >
jjlupa >Jonathan
jjlupa >-- 
jjlupa >jjlupa@jamdata.net
jjlupa >GPG public key available from http://www.jamdata.net/~jjlupa/gpg.asc
jjlupa >
jjlupa >

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