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Re: navigator & 3rd party mail/news applications

On 2000-02-23 12:06:54, Larry Clapp wrote:

> There's an "altmail" source package at
> ftp://ftp.nsysu.edu.tw/Linux/CLE/collect/network/netscape-altmail-0.1.tar.gz

Also found muttzilla which causes my netscape to bus error.  Nothing
like the good old times.

> It has C files that produce shared libraries to call elm, mail,
> mutt, and pine.  I've compiled it on my box (running Netscape 4.7
> and Linux 2.2.13) and it works well, at least for Mutt running
> under an Xterm.  It also has code that'll call your favorite
> newsreader, but I didn't play with that.

That's all I care about anyways.

> I believe it's descended from something Netscape published in the
> misty past; you may have stumbled on its ancestor, or something.

Yeah, the names are event simular to the stuff netscape published :-)

Allan M. Wind			Finger: wind@digit-safe.dyndns.org (GPG/PGP)
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