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Re: Dselect question - mirroring packages on new box

* Damon Muller
| Quoth Colin Watson,
| > You'll want to look at 'dpkg --get-selections' on the old box, and
| 'dpkg
| > --set-selections' on the new one.
| I know this is a bit of a clueless newbie question (which I'm not
| really). I've seen this advice quite a few times, and even tried it
| once
| or twice myself without much luck...
| What on earth are you supposed to do after --set-selections?

dpkg --get-selections

will write package database info to standard out.  you will have to do

dpkg --get-selections > nice_file

on the old box, then copy `nice_file' to the new box (via scp, for
instance) and do

dpkg --set-selections < nice_file

there.  you can then run dselect or apt-get to your heart's content.

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A: "Yes, it stands for ``C''. It's another of those funky recursive acronyms."

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