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Re: Exim relaying outgoing mail?

On Tue, Feb 15, 2000 at 03:30:48PM -0500, Marc Sherman wrote:
: I've read through the Exim man page and the config
: file, but I couldn't figure out how to set up exim
: quite how I need it; can anyone offer any advice?
: I don't want to touch incomming mail -- it's working
: correctly.  However, for outgoing mail, I'd like my
: SMTP server to relay all outgoing mail through my
: ISPs SMTP server, instead of sending it directly
: to the destination SMTP server.  This is because
: my machine is using a dynamic DNS name, which means
: that any site which does a reverse lookup on the DNS
: will block my mail because it will seem to be spoofing
: it's IP/DNS.
: I suspect that what I have to do is change the transport
: section:
: remote_smtp:
:     driver = smtp
: to add a setting saying what machine to relay through,
: but I'm not certain.  Does anyone know?

Make sure your routers section looks like this:

  #                      ROUTERS CONFIGURATION                         #
  #            Specifies how remote addresses are handled              #
  #                          ORDER DOES MATTER                         #
  #  A remote address is passed to each in turn until it is accepted.  #
  # Remote addresses are those with a domain that does not match any
  # in the "local_domains" setting above.
  # Send all mail to a smarthost
    driver = domainlist
    transport = remote_smtp
    route_list = "* mailhub.provider.com bydns_a"


Nathan Norman                    Network Magician, Eclectic Engineer
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