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Re: Palm/Visor handheld support from Debian?

On Sun, Feb 13, 2000 at 10:16:10PM -0500, Bart Szyszka wrote:

Watch out when you order it.  A serial port capable cradle is $20 more
than the usual price.  It's a USB cradle that you get by default, and I
haven't seen any info on the Linux USB pages that anyone has these
devices working yet.

> > So, yes there are tools out there for the Palm.  I don't know
> > about the Visor or any others.
> Handspring Visor (Deluxe is the one I want to get) has PalmOS
> on it and I even think that the same people who made the original
> Palm Pilot where the ones to make the Handspring Visor, so I'm
> assuming that they work in the same way. I'm pretty sure most of
> the software in the Visor is the same too.
> -- 
> Bart Szyszka  bart@gigabee.com  ICQ:4982727
> GigaBee Interactive  http://www.gigabee.com
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Nate Duehr <nate@natetech.com>

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