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Re: Who is user 501?

On Mon, Feb 14, 2000 at 08:28:29PM +0000, Phillip Deackes wrote:
> "Eric G . Miller" <egm2@jps.net> wrote:
> > I did an 'apt-get source linuxlogo' and it unpacked the directory with
> > user 501 and group users. I have no user 501 in /etc/passwd, should I?
> > Shouldn't the source be unpacked as root owning the directory?  
> > 
> > It seems the tkdesk file browser really doesn't like this -- causing
> > it
> > to crash instantly if I try to open the directory (Is this also a bug
> > against tkdesk?).
> I am getting this a lot with tkdesk too. It started happening a couple
> of weeks ago after I did a dist-upgrade on woody. Everything else is
> fine. This happens regularly when I try and dig down through the
> directories. It has nothing to do with any particular directory.
> --
> Phillip Deackes
> Using Debian Linux 

I just ate crow responding to the maintainer after filing a bug report
on this.  Seems he couldn't reproduce it. And today neither could I
(though it happened to me 3 times in a row yesterday)! Wherever the
problem lies, apparently it's not in the code that reads the dir. Maybe
there are problems in caching dirs???, maybe it's a tcl/tk bug. I've had
some other random errors which I can only relate to the length of time
that tkdesk has been running.  It's a bugger of a bug!

| Eric G. Miller                        egm2@jps.net |
| GnuPG public key: http://www.jps.net/egm2/gpg.asc  |

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