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getting lynx to respect xv choice

As shipped with debian, lynx defaults to "display" for it's
image viewer--taking about 20 ofmy 24 mbfor itself, causing massive

I've eded lynx.cfg to include

VIEWER:application/postscript:ghostview %s&:XWINDOWS
VIEWER:image/gif:xv %s&:XWINDOWS
VIEWER:image/x-xbm:xv %s&:XWINDOWS
VIEWER:image/x-rgb:xv %s&:XWINDOWS
VIEWER:image/x-tiff:xv %s&:XWINDOWS
VIEWER:image/jpeg:xv %s&:XWINDOWS



but these only cause it to use imagemagick.  I don't need that, or
it's annoyning insistence on a mouse rather than "q" to leave.  I
just want my plain little xv back.  Any suggestions?


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