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Re: Newbie Lookin' for Libraries

>>>>> "Lane" == Lane Lester <llester@mindspring.com> writes:

    Lane> Before I do much of anything with my new Debian Linux, I
    Lane> need to get my favorite editor, nedit, going. I installed
    Lane> it, but when I tried to execute it, I was told that
    Lane> libXpm.so.4 was missing. Apt-get said there was no libXpm,
    Lane> and I didn't see anything like that on the Debian CD.

    Lane> When I tried to start Northern Captain, a file manager I
    Lane> enjoy using, it seemed to miss libc6.1-1.so.2. Apt-get said
    Lane> that my libc6 was the newest.

Are you installing these programs via RPM?  That's not recommended at
all.  I believe you can find nedit in non-free.  Try 
'apt-get install nedit'.  I don't know about Northern Captain.

    Lane> I enjoyed xscreensaver in Corel Linux, but when I execute it
    Lane> in Debian Linux, it says: Xlib: connection to ":0.0" refused
    Lane> by server Xlib: Client is not authorized to connect to
    Lane> Server Error: Can't open display: 0.0

You need to read /usr/share/doc/xfree86-common/FAQ.gz, "How do I run
an X client as root when the X session is run by a user?"

    Lane> Not a library question, but a couple of times, alien has
    Lane> reported, "822-date did not return a valid result." However,
    Lane> the process seemed to be successful. Is there a problem?

Don't use alien.  Install anything that isn't Debian packaged via
tarball in /usr/local and you'll have far fewer headaches.

Colin Walters <levanti@verbum.org>
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