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Re: incorrect time on boot by 6 years???

>>>>> "Henrique" == Henrique M Holschuh <hmh+debianml@rcm.org.br> writes:

    >> Anyway, the problem: After rebooting the computer, the year
    >> resets from 2000 to 1994. The rest of the date and time looks
    >> OK. I don't

    Henrique> Looks like Y2K bug in the BIOS or the RTC.  Try forcing
    Henrique> the year to 2000 in the BIOS, do a reboot before the OS
    Henrique> enters (in the LILO: prompt, for example), enter the
    Henrique> BIOS again and verify if the 2000 is still there...

Thanks. That does seem to be the problem. The hwclock man page
suggests that I use the --badyear option (is this only required for
--hctosys, or is it required for --systohc too???). I haven't yet
rebooted though, so not sure yet if this has fixed the problem.

Weird problem. hwclock --show says the correct year. My guess is that
the BIOS must mangle it on start-up.

Also, the documentation for --badyear says that --systohc must have
been run recently (ie in the same year). I guess I will have to watch
closely to see if this is removed from the default
/etc/init.d/hwclock.sh or not (as per other thread on debian-devel
which I cannot keep up with).
Brian May <bam@debian.org>

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