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Re: VMware

On Tue, Feb 01, 2000 at 02:43:31PM -0800, Steve Lamb wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 01, 2000 at 02:37:43PM -0700, Bob Nielsen wrote:
> > VMware + W98 will run much slower than native W98.  A lot of memory
> > (128 MB+) will help here.  I found it useless on a P-150 with 32 MB and
> > only adequate on a K6-2/350 with 64 MB.
>     Well, gee, they onlt recommend a P2-266 w/96Mb or better and say it would
> run (but not be blazingly fast) on less.  Let's at least give the straight
> facts and not your distorted view on the matter.

Chill!  I didn't mean to strike a nerve and I don't think my view is
all that distorted.  The original poster asked for experiences with
VMware.  This was mine.

Is it subjective?  Of course.

Do I think VMware is slow?  Yes, but I'm fairly certain more memory
than I used would help.  Win98 reportedly runs faster on version 1.2,
which is now in beta-test.

Do I use VMware?  Yes, but only for applications for which Linux
equivalents don't exist (I haven't tried wine recently.) Speed wasn't
really a factor in the decision, but I felt it was useful enough that I
purchased a license and got rid of my dual-booting setup.

IIRC, VMware originally recommended a P-266 w/64 MB.
Bob Nielsen, N7XY (RN2)                    nielsen@primenet.com
Tucson, AZ DM42nh  QRP-L #1985             http://www.primenet.com/~nielsen

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