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Sound and Corel

I am using the Corel distro (which is very nice, by the way),  which was
built on top of debian (not the best way to phrase it, but you get what I
mean). But for some reason, I can't get sound to work. I run sndconfig and
it detects my card and gives me the following:

DKG-LINUX:/home/greedavk2# sndconfig
sndconfig: Starting sound card installation...
sndconfig: PnP probe result: Sound card found! Model: CS4236B
sndconfig: Detected card info:
IRQ     = -1
DMA     = -1
DMA2    = -1
IO      = 0xffffffff
MPU-IO  = 0xffffffff
MPU-IRQ = 0xffffffff
MEM     = 0xffffffff
Flag    = 0x0000
BUS:      13
sndconfig: Sound card installation completed.
sndconfig: Writing out detected info to /etc/devices...
sndconfig: Done!
Updating /etc/modules...
Modifying /etc/isapnp.conf

But I get no sound. And when trying to launch k-mixer I get the message that
the sound card is busy or not working. Have any of you guys seen this?


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