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Re: Modprobe messages

>>>>> "w" == wb4mle  <wb4mle@mindspring.com> writes:
    w> Can't locate module char-major-108
    w> Potato/2.2.13 current updates system.  Think I saw a reference to
    w> char-major-108 in an earlier post but could not find in
    w> archives. PPP is loaded in the kernel, not as a module.  Any info
    w> appreciated.

Not sure about the ppp0 message since I haven't seen that message on my
system (potato/2.2.13), but here is what you can do about the
char-major-108 thing:

Try putting the line "alias char-major-108 ppp" into
/etc/modutils/aliases and running 'update-modules' then 'depmod -a' to
see if that solves the problem. (modprobe reads from /etc/modules.conf,
which is generated from /etc/modutils/* by update-modules, to determine
where to find modules.)

That fixed it for me.


Salman Ahmed
ssahmed AT pathcom DOT com

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