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Re: Sbpcd module trouble

Antonio Rodriguez wrote:

> Thanks a lot, John. My Cds are from"Linux System Labs", www.lsl.com; but I am really
> suspecting that they are not complete.
> Reason: There are a bunch of files with 0 bytes, with just the name. Let me give you
> examples: In the binary disk1, in \disks\slink\contrib\binary-i386 there are a total of
> 136 bytes!!!!!!!!

That sounds normal, all the contrib packages are on Disk 2. I suspect the files on disk 1
are simply "place keepers".

Also, you probably already know this but just in case you don't .... The multicd
installation should have Disk 2 in the drive before updating the package list. In other
words, disk 1 to start  and disk 2 for dselect.

One other thought,  if all else fails you can always use dselect with the apt option and
install via the web.

Good Luck



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