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Potato NIS Vs PAM problems

I have, what I expect is, a simple problem.

I'm trying to set my Potato box to use NIS to do the lookup for /etc/passwd.
I have the +:::::: line at the bottom of my passwd file, and all the yp
tools work fine (e.g. 'ypmatch pauls passwd' brings up the right response.)
I've even got autofs automouting home directories with info gleened from the
NIS database.

Everything is great....except...

If the user has no password then he can't logon to the system. What is
blocking this? I believe this is PAM rather than NIS causing the problem,
but PAM is a mystery to me.

Does anybody have any ideas? or any good sources of info for PAM?


Paul Sargent
mailto: Paul.Sargent@3Dlabs.com

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