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Re: partition this thing!

On Sun, Sep 26, 1999 at 23:02, tf wrote:

> I'm about to install on or move to a new hd, and I'd like to divide it
> up.  I've read faqs and howtos, but I can't help thinking that if I
> partition it by "feel", I'd just end up wasting alot of space.
> Ok, the drive's in another machine right now.  reading it's case, it has
> 6448.6 mb.
> This is my first try at more than swap and /.    tiny /boot, giant
> /home, right?  Anyone feel like helping?

Here's my standard formula, which I always use unless the machine in
question has need of a separate /var partition, or it's going to be

/boot	32MB
swap	128MB
/	the rest

And don't fret.

geek by nature, Linux by choice                     L I N U X       .~.
                                                    The Choice      /V\
http://www.ourmanpann.com/linux/                     of a GNU      /( )\
                                                    Generation     ^^-^^

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