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Re: mutt: help with saving a messge to a different folder

David Wright [d.wright@open.ac.uk] wrote:
> Perhaps this is your problem. As I said, I use the c command to change
> inbox. After pressing c, you are prompted with the next inbox containing
> new mail (strictly, mail which arrived after you last visited the inbox,
> which is not quite the same thing).
> Pressing tab several times at this point has the following effects:
> Press
> 1.	changes the text of the prompt but with the same default.
> 2.	attempts completion, but as it's (obviously) complete, it
> 	displays a buffer with the sole completed inbox name.
> 3.	displays a buffer with all the inbox names.
> 4.	displays a buffer with the directory contents.
> 3 and 4 now alternate. You can escape with ^G at first, and then q
> (once it starts displaying a buffer).

	Agree. My problem is step 3 and 4.
> It never scans the messages in any of the files.

	I meant scaning each folder, not the messages in each folder. 
> >                                                              [...] it
> > 	will read all the folders from $Mailbox varaible(good), but if I
> > 	accidently press another TAB, it will read the folders from
> > 	$folder. My ~/Mail directory is about 200MB big, and mutt will
> > 	just take a long time to scan them.
> If you mean you have a truly colossal number of old mail folders, then

	That exactly what I meant.

> I recommend you put inboxes in one directory and old mail folders in

	And I have done that. Puting all my incoming mails in ~/mail.
	And all the saved mails in ~/Mail.

> a separate one. The latter are never seen with this sequence of commands.

	Yes. I can make it unseen to mutt. But I also want mutt to give
	me a default filename to save in ~/Mail not in ~/mail.

ok, let me re-make myself clear with my situation.

I read all my mails in ~/mail/Inbox. When reading your msg and I want to
save it, I press 's', and I want mutt to give me a default filename like
this: ~/Mail/d.wright@open.ac.uk.

However, ~/Mail has over 3000 folders already, and I simply cannot
afford mutt to scan this directory at all. Therefore, the following
won't work for me:

mailboxes = ~/mail/Inbox
set folder = ~/Mail



Shao Zhang - Running Debian 2.1  ___ _               _____
Department of Communications    / __| |_  __ _ ___  |_  / |_  __ _ _ _  __ _ 
University of New South Wales   \__ \ ' \/ _` / _ \  / /| ' \/ _` | ' \/ _` |
Sydney, Australia               |___/_||_\__,_\___/ /___|_||_\__,_|_||_\__, |
Email: shao@cia.com.au                                                  |___/ 

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