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Re: Backup -- what directories are important?

>>>>> "B" == Brian Boonstra <boonstb@cmg.FCNBD.COM> writes:

B> Hi
B> 	I've got a CD-RW drive, and a hankering to back up.  I'm using a few  
B> GB of space with my potato distribution, but most of that is packages that I  
B> could easliy fetch again from the web if my HD crashed.  Are there any  
B> comments on the following list of directories to backup?

B> /home/
B> /etc/
B> <wherever the dpkg data is stored>
B> /usr/local/

B> 	One thing I'm wondering:  if I do this, how do I restore my list of  
B> packages in such a way that dpkg will go out and refetch/install them all?

I'm doing something like this, but it is still by hand at the moment
(there's nothing critical on the machine).

	dpkg --get-selections
	dpkg --set-selections

(though I haven't tried the latter yet, just read it in the man page...)

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