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Re: Connecting to another X Server with WDM

On Fri, Sep 10, 1999 at 03:55:39PM +1000, Brian May wrote
> In article <[🔎] 19990908213744.C15777@empire.net.au> you write:
> >I recently talked the guys at work into letting me install debian on my
> >computer there. It's a pretty crappy PC (P100 with 40M of RAM and a 1M
> >VGA Card), but I mainly use it for netscape and connecing to an NT
> >Terminal Server with Citrix (yuck!).
> >
> >Anyway, I'm obviously running a local X Server on my machine, which I
> >log into using WDM. Sometimes, however, I want to connect to one of the
> >other Sun boxen and run X off them, which I figure I should be able to
> >do (like an X Terminal).
> >
> >My question is, how? With the X Terminals we have, there is a chooser
> >app to select the system to log into. I've read the WDM docs, and I
> >can't seem to find a setting to let me choose my machine or another on
> >the local network.
> if you just want to do it once off, run X like this:
> X -query hostname
> or
> X -indirect localhost
> for a menu

You may find that wdm doesn't "do" XDMCP (it didn't ladt time I looked), 
in which case the last of these won't work unless you also install xdm.

If you have a good, large monitor you can also use Xnest and run a
remote session in a window, without logging off from your own machine; 
this requires no special privileges at either end.  I have a button on 
my gnome panel that runs the command:
 Xnest -geometry 800x600 -indirect huiac.localnet :2
You would, of course, substitute a more appropriate hostname for
huiac.localnet (and choose different screen numbers if you want to run
several instances simultaneously).

> >Does anyone know how I might do this, of have suggestions as to where I
> >could look? I'd be prepared to change back to XDM, or even GDM, if it
> >can't be done in WDM.
> I have a script to put in /etc/init.d/X that will automatically
> restart X as required, in my diskless boot package. Please
> ask for further details.

I run a script out of /etc/inittab that displays a chooser menu of available
hosts for login; this is simple and works, but requires XDM both to generate 
the chooser menu and to login.

All of these solutions require that your other box be configured to
respond to XDMCP queries from your machine.

John P.
"Oh - I - you know - my job is to fear everything." - Bill Gates in Denmark

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