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Re: power-shut-off... again

Virtanen, a friend of mine has similar problems -- his pentium II needs
mounting brackets to hold it to the motherboard, and he hasn't bought them

It might not help, but ... one never knows. :)

On Fri, Sep 10, 1999 at 08:57:51AM +0300, virtanen wrote:
> Managed to get this damn machine working with debian quite long time. 
> Even managed to get network working (ethernet). 
> '1) Suddently again, while editing a picture using SO 5.1  the power went
> off. 
> 2) While trying to boot again it gave the normal messages like 'not
> cleanly unmounted, check forced' etc. Then again sudden shut-off. This
> happened three times while trying to boot. The fourth time worked and it
> managed to check the partitions... Now it has been working again. 
> 3)
> There isn't any overclocked CPU or anything like that. 
> As far as I know this thing has never happened with this machine with
> windows.
> I put most bios settings as defaults. APM disabled as well as all shadow
> ram settings disabled. Power-button override disabled. 
> Still don't know, where the problem is. Just waiting for the next
> shut-off...
> In my opinion it (shit) happens, when there is some large swapping going
> on. 
> The machine has got atx-boxand automatic shut-off of the power, when
> shutting down windows.    
> -- 
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