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Re: Xwindows problems

On Thu, Sep 09, 1999 at 06:27:17PM +0100, Andy wrote:
> hello, I was wondering if u could help me with Xwindows.  My system is running redhat linux 5.1 (the free version) and is a pentium 90, 24mb ram and a 1mb ATI mach64-ct graphics card.  The problem is this:
> I start Xwin through linux using the Startx command, and xwin starts up, but the I cant see anything on my screen because the screen res is far to high for my monitor.  My monitor is a 15" 640x480 compaq monitor.  I setup Xwin through the xconfigurator program that run after linux was installed, i choose a generic monitor and all of the colors (8 bit, 16 bit and 24 bit) to run as 640x480.
> if u can help me get xwin to run at 640x480 res i would be grateful, thanks, andy

Try running the VGA16 server (not sure how to do this on redhat. on debian
there is a file where you specify your fav server, on slackware the prefered
server is symlinked somewhere under /var). Or look thru /etc/XF86Config or
/etc/X11/XF86Config or wherever it can be on your machine. At the end of the
file in the `Screen' section, look for the one corresponding to your server,
there are several lines looking like:
	Modes       "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"
replace with
	Modes       "640x480"
everywhere, this way you have a 640x480 resolution.

BUT, afaik, if your X server is working and set to a too high resolution, you
can change it simply by pression CTRL+ALT+Keypad+. And also, if you did choose
the 640x480 in xf86config, it should run at 640x480 (I suppose Xconfigurator
is similar?). AND the best way to avoid putting your monitor too high is to
specify the correct freq in the `Monitor' section.

I am wondering too, how we get questions about redhat on the debian list,
while someone just said a few days ago that the support on the redhat lists
was so wonderfully better :P


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