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Re: xdm problem

On Wed, Sep 08, 1999 at 03:54:53PM +0200, Fabrizio Roccato wrote:
> Same problem with my potato box.
> I have changed in the /etc/inittab the default runlevel to 5 
> id:5:initdefault:
> and all works fine.
> I'm not sure that 5 is the right runlevel for xdm, but it works and let
> me use tty1 too, but not the other (tty2-10, xdm start on tty11).
> Bye
> Biko

You are right, I found out shortly after posting the initial message that it
had to do with inittab. I was starting a getty on the first 10 vt, top on 11th
and syslog on 12th, which left X on tty13, and it seems xdm was not happy with
that. I removed the getty on tty[7-10] and set up inittab to open vt on demand
(using the nice Keyboard-and-Console-HOWTO) and now this works fine, in fact I
like this setup even better than the previous one :-)


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