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Re: ipxripd package: does it work?

"Keith G. Murphy" wrote:
> Is anyone but me trying to run the ipxripd 0.7-5 package?
> I'm trying to run it on kernel version 2.0.36, compiled for IPX.
> When I try to run it, it just goes away.  I never see it as a process
> doing 'ps aux'.
> If I try to run it in non-daemon mode (-d option), I see:
>   Mon Jul 26 17:56:51 1999
>   Init start
>   000A0001:0040056D2DEF
>   000A0001:0040056D2DEF
>   interface bound to net 0
Not much interest in this one, eh?  FYI, I examined the source and
"interface bound to net 0" turned out to be a fatal error message before
exit!  Kind of cryptic there, guy.
What it was *really* saying was that the primary interface was set up on
network 0, which is wrong.  

Looking at the startup files led to me /etc/ipx.conf (which is not
actually documented anywhere that I can find).  I changed the network
number to the correct one, and (more importantly) the frame type on the
primary interface to match what everyone else on the network is using
(we have an *old* one running 802.3).  ifconfig was actually telling me
about the frame type, most likely, but sometimes 802.2 looks like 802.3,
you know?  :-b

Anyway, ipxd now runs.  I still am not seeing the routing I would
expect, but I can work on that...

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