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Update-menus hanging during dselect / apt-get

After a fairly painless upgrade to potato on one system here, I've been
doing the occasional update/upgrade cycle with either dselect or apt-get
and things usually go well.  (After I got all the Perl stuff
straightened out... but that's why it's called unstable!)

Tonight, I seem to be having a recurring problem with Update-menus
hanging and stopping everything right after packages are unpacked by

The output is...

Upacking replacement foo ...
Update-menus[PID]: further output (if any) will appear in

... where PID is the PID of a copy of update-menus... of course.

At this point, the whole process hangs and doesn't continue.  Ctrl-C
will interrupt, which will kill both update-menus and the script running
which sends the signal to apt that all did not go well with the package.

Sometimes, running a new dselect/apt session it will get farther along,
but then it hangs again later on another package it seems.

Some other output from a `ps aux | grep update` shows that there are two
update-menus running, and I don't know if this is possibly the issue, or
if it's normal for update-menus to have children.  One is the PID listed
in the output of apt, the other is one PID LOWER.

df -k shows that /tmp is at 0% full, so that rules out the obvious
problem.  Actually none of the filesystems are anywhere near full.

I've attempted to exit out of the package selection tools and run
update-menus by hand as root, and that seems to work fine.  No errors
output to STDERR or STDOUT, anyway.  And yes, I did the change suggested
by Joop in moving his config file for the older afterstep stuff from the
example he gives to the live copy... but I'm using WindowMaker anyway,
and Afterstep is rarely used, if at all on this machine.

Anyone have any other ideas on how to catch what's happening to it, or
is this a known issue being discussed elsewhere, and I don't see it
because I only am subscribed to Debian-User?

I'm copying the package maintainer on this since I didn't see anything
in the bugs database... perhaps I've stumbled on one?

| Nate Duehr - nate@natetech.com    | Support Amateur Radio & Linux! |
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