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Re: fetchmail / sendmail problem

On 27 Jul, Oz Dror wrote:
  |  Michael Merten wrote:
  |  > What does your ~/.fetchmailrc file look like? (user names and
  |  > passwords x'd out, of course)
  |  The ~/.fetchmailrc works on my slink system, with no problems.
  |  I have the same problem even when I try manually to get the mail (removing
  |  ~/.fetchmailrc)
  |  my fetchmailrc is
  |  server mail.dslspeed.com
  |            protocol POP3
  |            username      yyyyy
  |            password      xxxxxx
  |            fetchall

Do you have different usernames on the two machines (yours and the
servers)?  I'm no fetchmail expert, but I run it as a daemon when my
ppp connection is up and my .fetchmailrc file indicates how to make the
translation of usernames.  


Eric G. Miller
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