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Re: Netscape - Fontsizes


Try going to About.com--->"Computer/Technology"--->OS--->Linux

Once at Hsiao's main page, go to "Search" (this site) and enter "fonts".

Useful info on fonts, Netscape, et al.

Eric K.

"Light, no heat."

JonesMB wrote:

> Bernhard,
> If you figure out a way around this please let me know.  This past
> weekend I spent some time (again) trying to do the same thing.  The
> font sizes don't even change no matter what you specify in Netscape.
> Maybe we can edit the preferences file and save it there ourselves.
> That way when it starts up again it reads what we set the font to.  I
> find the font problem a very annoying "feature" of Netscape in Linux
> and Solaris.
> jmb
> >Does anybod know how to set the default fontsize in netscape?
> >If I use Edit/Preferences/Fonts it works for the current session
> >but it is not saved even Netscape doesn't crash and I exit as
> >intended by the Netscape-programmers  :-C
> >
> >Is it possible to use a minimum fontsize that <FONT SIZE="-3">
> >will be radable while a <H1> letter will not fill the whole screen?
> >
> >Bernhard
> --
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