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Re: gnome-apt for slink?

On Sun, Jul 25, 1999 at 02:05:49PM -0700, Cliff W. Draper wrote:
> Does anyone have a .deb for gnome-apt that runs in slink (ie, glibc2.0)?
> thanks,
> -Cliff
>  cliffwd@forte.com

Get the source for a later version of APT and build it yourself.
(dpkg-source -x <dscfile>; cd apt-0.3.11; debian/rules binary).
Install this APT, then add a deb-src line to your /etc/apt/sources.list
and do a "apt-get -b source gnome-apt". You will need the -dev
files for the gnome packages that APT depends on.

Rebuilding a package from source is a good experience. With 2500
packages in Debian, you may come across a scenario that requires
you to do this because of a package bug.
Stephen Pitts
webmaster - http://www.mschess.org

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