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sensible-mda and procmail invokation question

Sunday I converted from an ancient RH5.0 system to Debian 2.1.  Among
the many remaining glitches, I've got a mail problem:

To minimize breakage, I stuck with sendmail.  Sendmail basically
works, and thanks to sensible-mda, it delivers using procmail.

My problem is that it does not invoke procmail the way my recipies
expect; they expect the "relay" bit of the address* to appear in $1,
due to the -a argument to procmail.  From my old RH sendmail.cf:

Mlocal,	P=/usr/bin/procmail, F=lsDFMAw5:/|@qSPfhn9, S=10/30, R=20/40,
        A=procmail -Y -a $h -d $u

It's not clear what sensible-mda really does, so I don't know if
there's a simple way to make it invoke procmail with the -a $h
argument or not.  The man page doesn't describe the arguments.

In the meantime, I've pasted the Mlocal clause above into sendmail.cf,
and it's working.  I'd rather not need this, so that I can use the
Debian config scripts in the future...

* The relay (for sendmail, at least) is the part between the + and @;
  in `gtaylor+spam@picante.com', the relay is `spam'.  My public
  postings all have a unique, date-coded relay to help me block spam.

[ Note that I am not a subscriber to debian-user because I cannot
  filter mail properly yet.  I am following along on the archives,
  though... ]

Grant Taylor - gtaylor<at>picante.com - http://www.picante.com/~gtaylor/
   Linux Printing HOWTO:  http://www.picante.com/~gtaylor/pht/

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